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1. EFL Classroom 2.0
https://eflclassroom.ning.com/An extremely comprehensive ning offereing a large ESL/EFL community of teachers and learners as well as a whole host of classroom and learner resources.
2. Ning.com
https://www.ning.com/Creaye your own Ning network. Sign up here.
https://www.iste-community.org/forum/topics/please-join-our-global-eflesl"For English teachers across the world who are interested in linking their classes with EFL/ESL students from other countries."
4. World Languages Teachers 2.0
https://worldlanguagesteachers.ning.com/"Advocating for the importance of language learning in the 21st century."
5. English Companion ning
https://englishcompanion.ning.com/"A place to ask questions and get help. A community dedicated to helping you enjoy your work. A cafe without walls or coffee: just friends."
6. Bloggers in ELT, Freelance
https://beltfree.ning.com/?xg_source=ningcom"A community for those blogging about English language learning and teaching."
7. Nik's Learning Technology Blog
https://nikpeachey.blogspot.com/2008/06/create-your-own-social-network-7-steps.htmlInformative blog post on creating your own ning from Nik Peachey: "Create your own social network 7 steps."
8. Literacy Lighthouse
https://literacylighthouse.ning.com/?xg_source=ningcom"A place for high school English teachers to become beacons of 21st Century literacy. ... share best practices, forge collaborations, and discuss what literacy in the 21st Century entails."
https://besig09sneetup.ning.com/?xg_source=ningcomThe ning of the Business English Special Interest Group.
10. AP English
https://teachap.ning.com/?xg_source=ningcomA ning "for all AP English teachers, language and literature, new teachers and veterans".
11. Virtual Round Table Conference
https://virtual-round-table.ning.com/?xg_source=ningcom"Virtual Round Table is the first virtual conference on language learning with technology Nov 12-13, 2009 coordinated by LANCELOT School."
12. Second Life English Community
https://slenglish.ning.com/"Second Life English is a free resource and open community for language learners and teachers in the virtual world of Second Life."
13. Mexico English Teachers' Alliance (META)
https://metamexico.ning.com/A community of English teachers interested or teaching in Mexico
14. TESOL-Drama
https://tesol-drama.ning.com/Teaching English through drama.
15. National Council of Teachers of English (NCCT)
https://ncte2008.ning.com/For school and university teachers of English as well as ESL/EFL teachers.
16. Classroom 2.0.com
https://www.classroom20.com/?xg_source=ningcom"... social network for those interested in Web 2.0 and Social Media in education."
17. Ning in Education
https://education.ning.com/"Using Ning for educational social networks."
18. English Teachers Network Israel (ETNI)
https://www.etni.org.il/etnirag/issue5/doris.htm"How to engage and motivate EFL/ESL learners in projects and in collaborating worldwide by means of a social network called "ning."
19. Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ning_%28website%29What Wikipedia has to say about nings
20. Virtual Worlds & Language Learning
https://evovwll.ning.com/A community to support the TESOL EVO 2009 session.
21. EFL Univeristy Ning
https://efluniversity.ning.com/"EFL University teachers and students have FUN = Frivolous. Unanticipated. Nonsense to learn together in English and Spanish."
22. TESOL EVO 2010 - Teaching in a Virtual World
https://slenglish.ning.com/events/tesol-evo-2010-teaching-in-a"The TESOL Electronic Village Online offers a series of free online workshops for teachers. Find out more here: https://evosessions.pbwiki.com/"
23. NECC Ning
https://www.neccning.org/profiles/blogs/introduction-to-esl-teaching"Introduction to ESL Teaching - Teaching Adults."
24. Ning Blog
https://blog.ning.com/2007/09/bmw_geeks_using_your_own_langu.htmlThe Ning community blog.
25. Teaching Languages in a Virtual World
https://tlinvw.ning.com/A community to support the TESOL EVO 2010 session
26. EduBloggerWorld
https://edubloggerworld.ning.com/?xg_source=ningcomA meeting place for educational bloggers.
27. Conversations.net
https://conversationsdotnet.ning.com/?xg_source=ningcom"Live Conversations on the Impact of the Internet on Culture and Society."
28. Colorin' Colorado.org
https://colorincolorado.ning.com/"The ColorinColorado.org Community offers a place to discuss resources and ideas that will help English language learners succeed!"
29. Discover Writing
https://discoverwriting.ning.com/?xg_source=ningcom"A friendly place where writers, teachers and students come to share work, lessons and inspiration."
30. ESL/EFL Sister Classes
https://esleflsisterclasses.edublogs.org/2008/03/17/alternatives-to-ning/Alternatives to nings
31. The Educator's PLN
https://edupln.ning.com/"This is a ning site dedicated to the support of a Personal Learning Network for Educators."
32. School 2.0 - The Transformation of Education
https://school20.ning.com/?xg_source=ningcom"...discussions of how education, learning, and our physical school spaces can (or should) change because of the changing nature of our social and economic lives brought on by [Web 2.0] technologies."
33. OpenLearn
https://openlearn.ning.com/?xg_source=ningcom"OpenLearn is an Open University project which makes OU course material available to all with internet access under a Creative Commons license."
34. The Global Education Collaborative
https://globaleducation.ning.com/?xg_source=ningcom"A community for teachers and students interested in global education. Contribute by adding media, conversation, and collaborative project ideas."
35. The World is Open
https://worldisopen.ning.com/?xg_source=ningcomA community for teachers to talk about English, education and technology.
36. E-Learning Journeys
https://123elearning.blogspot.com/2008/01/talk-about-ning-and-education-with.htmlA blog post about nings and education.
37. MU English Education
https://muenglished.ning.com/?xg_source=ningcomA gathering place for English teachers in Central PA.
38. EdWeek.org Article
https://www.edweek.org/tsb/articles/2009/10/01/01ning.h03.html'The World's Largest English Department' A discussion on the use of nings in breaking "the culture of professional isolation".
39. Teaching Every Student
https://teachingeverystudent.ning.com/?xg_source=ningcomFor people interested in teaching every student in the digital age - "Universal Design for Learning".
40. How-To Technology Tips
https://howtotechtips.blogspot.com/2008/08/ning-adding-youtube-video-to-your.htmlNing: Adding a YouTube Video to Your Profile.
41. Making It Personal - Connecting Kids
https://studentpln.ning.com/?xg_source=ningcom"A forum where educators can share exemplary stories and questions related to personal learning networks within an educational setting for the purpose of promoting habits of mind that support a passion for lifelong learning."
42. Gifted Education 2.0
https://giftededucation.ning.com/"GE2.0 is the place to put up your feet, take a sip of coffee, and peruse the ONLY g/t network encouraging conversations amongst members."
43. DigitaLang
https://www.digitalang.com/2009/01/ning-social-networks-unsuitable-for-education/A blog post questioning the value of nings in education.
44. Flat Classroom Project
https://flatclassroomproject.ning.com/?xg_source=ningcom"Building bridges for the future through collaborative projects."
45. Mashable
https://mashable.com/2006/09/28/ning-build-your-own-youtube-flickr-or-myspace/'Ning: Build Your Own YouTube, Flickr or MySpace' - A how-to artricle.
46. openedweb.com
https://openedweb.com/blog/2007/12/10/ning-in-education/A blog post on the use of nings in education.
47. Tech-in-Ed ning
https://tech-in-ed.ning.com/"A place where educators and professionals alike learn about what is happening in technology in the classroom by following the latest news in Ed Tech."
48. Future Of Education.com
https://www.futureofeducation.com/"This community is devoted to providing an opportunity for those who care about education to share their voices and ideas with others. It's a place for thoughtful discussion on an incredibly important topic."
49. Using Ning in Education
https://www.slideshare.net/jdorner/using-ning-in-educationA slideshare presentation from John Dorner showing how nings can be used in education.
50. Vid Snacks
https://vidsnacks.ning.com/?xg_source=ningcom"Where kids and teachers can learn to make videos."
51. Espurna
https://espurna.ning.com/profile/NeusLorenzoA Spanish ning.
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