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1. Make Beliefs Comix
https://www.makebeliefscomix.com/Students can create their own comic strips on this site that offers animal and human characters with different moods, thought and talk baloons to fill in with words in English or Spanish, and story prompts. After creating their comic strips, students can print them or email them to friends or family.
2. Go Animate.com
https://goanimate.com/Create your own cartoons and animations easily.
3. Toon Doo.com
https://www.toondoo.com/Create, publish, share and discuss your own comic strips. Useful for creative writing and digital storytelling.
4. Pixton.com
https://pixton.com/Do-It-Yourself comics - Create professional-looking comics without having to draw. Pixton for schools: "Inspire and motivate your students to learn by giving them a whole new way to express ideas, tell stories, and collaborate creatively in a private online environment."
5. Garfield (the cat)
https://www.garfield.com/fungames/comiccreator.htmlBuild your own Garfield comic strip - great for kids and big kids.
6. BAM! - Body and Mind
https://www.bam.gov/sub_yourLife/yourlife_comiccreator.htmlComic book maker focusing on health, diseases, food & nutrition and physical activity. From the USA's Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,
7. Comiqs.com
https://comiqs.com/editor/An editor to create and share comics.
8. Super Action Comic Maker
https://www.artisancam.org.uk/flashapps/superactioncomicmaker/index.phpMake comic strips with super-hero-looking characters. "Pose your action, tell your story, publish your comic."
9. Superhero Squad - Marvel
https://superherosquad.marvel.com/create_your_own_comicCreate your own comic strips using Marvel superhero characters. Can create up to 22 pages.
10. HowToons.com
https://www.howtoons.com/Engaging content that teaches kids how to build things, combining instructions with storytelling. Has science engineering, art and imagination. Promotes itself as "The world's greatest D.I.Y. comic website".
11. MMORPG.com
https://www.mmorpg.com/comics.cfmCreate your own fantasy comics with this drag 'n' drop site.
12. Chogger.com
https://chogger.com/Chogger lets you create and share web comics online. You can build comic strips by adding drawings, photos, and speech balloons.
13. Creaza - Cartoonist
https://www.creaza.com/cartoonistWith Cartoonist, you can compose multimedia stories. You can use the tool to create comic strips or more personal digital narratives. Need to register.
14. Dr Who (BBC)
https://www.bbc.co.uk/doctorwho/comicmaker/createCreate your own graphic Doctor Who adventure - print the results.
15. Read Write Think
https://www.readwritethink.org/files/resources/interactives/comic/index.htmlEasy-to-use comic strip creator - Drag 'n' drop characters and speech bubbles - add your own text.
16. Myths
https://myths.e2bn.org/story_creator/Comic story creator with a focus on myths and legends.
17. Smithsonian
https://anthropology.si.edu/writteninbone/comic/index.htmlA comic story from the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History.
18. Grammarman
https://www.grammarmancomic.com/comics.htmlComics with a grammar focus.
19. Free Technology For Teachers
https://www.freetech4teachers.com/2009/10/20-ways-to-use-comics-in-your-classroom.htmlA blog listing 20 ways to use comics in the classroom.
20. Microsoft Online Safety
https://www.microsoft.com/protect/comics.aspxEducational comics about cyberbullying, computer security, privacy, kids - safety and social networking.
21. Strip Generator
https://stripgenerator.com/Quirky comic strip creator.
22. Bit Strips for Schools
https://www.bitstripsforschools.com/Take a tour - good graphics, nice editing tools.
23. Boy's Life
https://boyslife.org/games/online-games/235/comic-creator/Comic creator from the Boy's Life magazine.
24. Comics in Education
https://www.geneyang.com/comicsedu/index.html"The educational potential of the comics medium has been largely ignored by the educational establishment. Comics in Education is my own small effort to the rectify this oversight." - Gene Yang (Cartoonist and Webmaster)
25. ComicBrush.com
https://www.comicbrush.com/Comicbrush lets you mix stock artwork from our fun collection of comic backgrounds, characters and props with photos of your friends, neighborhood or college.You can add speech balloons, text, your own artwork and more, before publishing your comic to the Web, social networking sites like Flickr, Facebook and MySpace, or a friend's iPhone/Touch.
26. Manga University
https://www.cablenet.ne.jp/~japanime/tutorial/tutorial.htmlHow to draw Japanese style comics - anime.
27. ESL Comics (blog)
https://eslcomics.blogspot.com/I designed this blog for beginning level English learners who enjoy comics and would like to read them in English.
28. Comics: A Multi-dimensional Teaching Aid in Integrated-skills Classes
https://www.esl-lab.com/research/comics.htmA research article into the use of comics in ESL by Randall Davies - Has lots of useful references at the end for further reading.
29. ESL and Archie Comics
https://www.archiecomics.com/podcasts/Assistance with English - three-frame comic strips broken down into idioms, slang, definitions of words, etc.
30. ICAL Wiki
https://www.icalweb.com/wiki/index.php?title=ESL_ComicsAn article on the use of comics in ESL.
31. My English Images.com
https://www.myenglishimages.com/My_Albums/Pages/Comics.htmlIdeas on how to use comics in the ESL classroom.
32. Comic Art School
https://comicartschool.ning.com/A ning (online community) for those interested in drawing and making comics.
33. PikiKids.com
https://www.pikikids.com/Upload and edit images then add text bubbles and titles. Share, embed in websites or mail to friends.
34. BeFunky
https://www.befunky.com/Turns photos into digital artwork.
35. Studying Comic Strips
https://neilwhitfield.wordpress.com/2007/01/13/studying-comic-strips-really/A blog post about year 8 students studying with comics.
36. Comics & Cartoons for Grammar & Writing Practice
https://languagestudy.suite101.com/article.cfm/comics_cartoons_for_grammar_writing_practiceAn article about how comic strips promote writing in the language & ESL classroom.
37. Comics in the Classroom - An Article
https://www.eslteachersboard.com/cgi-bin/articles/index.pl?read=3244An article outlining a teacher's thoughts and experiences of using comics in the classroom.
38. TeachWrite NOLA (Blog)
https://teachwrite.wordpress.com/2008/07/23/comics-in-the-esl-classroom-or-any-classroom/A demo lesson plan and rationale on using comics in the classroom.
39. Lesson Planet.com
https://www.lessonplanet.com/search?keywords=comic+strips&media=worksheets&rating=340 comic strip worksheets reviewed by teachers.
40. Mr. Bakin's ESL
https://mrbakinsesl.pbworks.com/Clip-Art-ComicsExamples of how comics and captions can be used by students in the classroom.
41. Readable Blog
https://www.readableblog.com/2008/01/13/read-comic-books-to-improve-your-reading-skills/A blog post describing how reading comic books improves reading skills.
42. Diana Eastment
https://eltj.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/content/full/63/4/436An ELT Journal article from Diana Eastment summarizing the history and uses of comics in the classroom - from Krashen to Garfield.
43. Graphic Novels in the ESL Classroom
https://www.hltmag.co.uk/jun09/mart03.htmExcellent article from Bill Templer about using comics in the classroom. Tips, rationale, discussion and resources. A must read.
44. Teaching Comics
https://www.teachingcomics.org/Whole site devoted to teaching using comics from the National Association of Comics Arts Educators (NACAE). Full of exercises, lesson plans, study guides and handouts.
45. Graphic Novels
https://www.education.wisc.edu/ccbc/books/graphicnovels.aspThe website of the Cooperative Children's Book Center (CBBC) at the School of Education University of Wisconsin-Madison. Lots of information about graphic novels.
46. Using Comics with ESL Students
https://iteslj.org/Techniques/Derrick-UsingComics.htmlArticle on Second Language Acquisition, visual literacy, graphic novels and comics.
47. Langwich Scool.com
https://www.langwichscool.com/Collection of comic strips about English and ELT created by Jon Marks - the comics appear in the magazine English Teaching Professional.
48. Comic Life
https://www.macinstruct.com/node/69Why and how to use comics in the classroom and how to use the software Comic Life from plasq.com ($24.95).
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