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1. Business English Materials.com
https://www.businessenglishmaterials.com/100 x 20-Page Handouts, MP3s & Online Quizzes on the world's top brands - For Business English Students.
2. Breaking News English.com Business English lessons
https://www.breakingnewsenglish.com/business_english.htmlCurrent business news in 13-page printable worksheets for class, plus mp3 podcast and online activity.
3. Business English Special Interest Group (BESIG)
https://www.besig.org/BESIG is the Business English Special Interest Group of IATEFL. BESIG's members are mainly teachers of Business English and include both native and non-native speakers of English.
4. BBC Learning English
https://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/general/Lots of articles and listening for English learners.
5. Better-English.com
https://www.better-english.com/exerciselist.htmlBusiness English and general English. They have a weekly newsletter.
6. ESL Flow Business English
https://www.eslflow.com/BusinessEnglish.htmlA site with lots of links to Business English lessons.
7. China232.com Podcasts
https://www.china232.com/business_english/podcasts.phpBusiness English Podacsts.
8. China232.com
https://www.china232.com/business_english/Business English lessons.
9. BusinessEnglishPod.com
https://www.businessenglishpod.com/Podcasts with accompanying texts
10. Business English Pod (on YouTube)
https://www.youtube.com/user/bizpod?gl=GB&hl=en-GBSome Business English videos for vocabulary.
11. TalkEnglish.com
https://www.talkenglish.com/Speaking/listBusiness.aspxSentences to help with speaking in business situations.
12. NonStopEnglish.com
https://www.nonstopenglish.com/allexercises/business_english/Activities and Flash quizzes using Buisness English.
13. ESL Go.com
https://www.eslgo.com/resources/ba.htmlA few activities here.
14. Stock Market Yellow Pages.com
https://www.StockMarketYellowPages.comThis site allows you to search for public companies based upon their descriptions.
15. Internet-based projects
https://aei.uoregon.edu/esp/resources.htmlKay Westerfield and Leslie Opp-Beckman provide Internet-based projects for Business English with a wealth of links to other resources.
16. TEFLtastic with Alex Case
https://www.tefl.net/alexcase/worksheets/business-esp/A large list of resources and PDFs.
17. BusinessEnglishSite.com
https://www.businessenglishsite.com/A collection of grammar and vocabulary exercises for ESL students.
18. ESL All.com
https://www.eslall.com/learn_english_870.htmlPages of links to Business English activities. Not all the links work.
19. The Business Emporium
https://www.emse.fr/~yukna/business/businessemporium.htmlLots of humorous activities for Business English.
20. Linguarama.com
https://www.linguarama.com/ps/reading.htmA Business English blog.
21. Power Up English
https://www.powerupenglish.com/blog/Very topical commentaries for Business English.
22. ESL Fast.com
https://www.eslfast.com/robot/employmentmenu.htmLots of listenings and readings relating to finding a job and working.
23. SpeakSpeak.com
https://www.speakspeak.com/html/d2_resources_business_vocab_library.htmA Business English vocabulary library.
24. New York Times
https://www.nytimes.com/library/financial/glossary/bfglosa.htmGlossary of Financial and Business Terms with over 2,500 entries (A-Z).
25. The OfficeLife.com
https://www.theofficelife.com/business-jargon-dictionary-A.htmlThe Ridiculous Business Jargon Dictionary - the latest buzz words and jargon.
26. The Devil's Derivatives Dictionary
https://www.margrabe.com/Devil/DevilA_E.html#sectAA dictionary of terms related to stocks, shares and trading.
27. English for work
https://www.englishclub.com/english-for-work/Exercises aimed at those working in service industries.
28. ELEaston.com
https://eleaston.com/biz/home.htmlLots of links to quizzes and sites with resources.
29. Flash Activities
https://www.business-english.com/Various flash-based quizzes and activities.
30. Vocabulary
https://www.learn-english-today.com/business-english/A-business-english-contents.htmlLots of pages of Business English vocabulary.
31. Blogs
https://en.wordpress.com/tag/business-english/A blog about Business English blogs.
32. BBC - Business Words In The News
https://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/news/words/business/index.shtmlListen to and read the report then find explanations of difficult words. (An old site)
33. Business Etiquette
https://www.sideroad.com/Business_Etiquette/business-body-language.htmlA 'how to' article aimed at native speakers, but good for business English.
34. Charles Kelly's Business English in the USA (VOA Special English)
https://www.voiceblog.jp/joke/118809.htmlListen to an MP3 file and read the text about Individual Proprietorship.
35. Charles Kelly's Business English in the USA (VOA Special English)
https://www.voiceblog.jp/joke/118806.htmlListen to an MP3 file and read the text about Partnerships.
36. Charles Kelly's Business English in the USA (VOA Special English)
https://www.voiceblog.jp/joke/118804.htmlListen to an MP3 file and read the text about Corporations.
37. Business Letter Corpus - Online KWIC Concordancer
https://www.someya-net.com/concordancer/index.htmlHas a corpus of personal letters.
38. 'Business Week' magazine podcasts
https://www.businessweek.com/search/podcasting.htmMP3 files and a podcast from the 'Business' Week magazine.
39. Marketing Edge
https://feeds.feedburner.com/marketingedge.The URL to the RSS (podcast) feed of the Marketing Edge website.
40. Business English Lessons
https://www.business-english.com/Lots of online quizzes.
41. Ingilish.com
https://www.ingilish.com/business-english.htmSoem Business English exercises.
42. World English.org
https://www.world-english.org/business-index.htmSome Business English quizzes and other activities.
43. A random list of lesson ideas for Business English
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