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1. Super Teacher Worksheets
https://www.superteacherworksheets.com/awards.html"Awards to recognize student achievement can build kids' self-esteem, encourage additional effort, and promote positive values. The awards and certificates on this page are all free for you to print and use in your classroom."
2. TeacherVision.com
https://www.teachervision.fen.com/awards/resource/6076.htmlPrintable awards and certificates for reading, language arts and participation badges for science class. Also, behavior awards for acts of kindness good citizenship.
3. Education World
https://www.educationworld.com/tools_templates/index.shtml#awardCertificatesTwenty award certificates - An Apple from the Teacher, Caught You Being Good, Certificate of Achievement, Student of the Month, etc.
4. Squidoo.com
https://www.squidoo.com/awardcertificatesDiplomas, achievement awards, certificates, employee awards, special effort citations and recognition documents from your computer. You can add your own custom calligraphy or simply fill in blanks with neat handwriting.
5. Lakeshore Learning.com
https://www.lakeshorelearning.com/general_content/free_resources/awardMaker.jspLots of colourful certificates.
6. 123 Certificates.com
https://www.123certificates.com/Free printable certificates, certificate templates for kids, and blank certificates, certificates of appreciation, honor, and merit awards.
7. Scrapbook Scrapbook.com
https://www.scrapbookscrapbook.com/student-awards.htmlThis set of printable Student Award Certificates has 15 pages with two different designs per page.
8. Primary Games.com
https://www.primarygames.com/print_zone/certificates/certificates.htmSix printable certificates - Terrific Teacher, Perfect Attendance, Fantastic Work...
9. Enchanted Learning.com
https://www.enchantedlearning.com/award/certificate/Eight certificates you can print, decorate, and award to students for outstanding performances in sports, spelling, math, and other subjects. Also a "Student Medals" page.
10. BillyBear4Kids.com
https://www.billybear4kids.com/show/awardcertificates.htmlDozens of printable award certificates - pre-made awards or create your own. A prompt comes up asking you to put in the student's name.
11. School Express.com
https://www.schoolexpress.com/awards/Type in the student information and the website makes the certificate for you.
12. Kid Bibs.com
https://www.kidbibs.com/awards/card.htmlDozens of awards that let you select images and write your own image.
13. Freeology.com
https://freeology.com/awards/Printable certificates.
14. Certificate Creator.com
https://www.certificatecreator.com/main.cfmYou have to register to join.
15. Family Education.com
https://printables.familyeducation.com/tv/tvsearch.php?in=fe_printables&type=printable&theme=certificates-and-rewardsPrintable certificates.
16. Certificate 4 Teachers
https://www.certificates4teachers.com/certificate-builder.phpA certificate maker.
17. A to Z Teacher Stuff
https://www.atozteacherstuff.com/Printables/Awards_and_Certificates/index.shtmlLots of printable certificates.
18. AAA Certificates
https://www.aaacertificates.com/free.phpTwelve certificates.
19. Teachnology.com
https://www.teach-nology.com/web_tools/certificates/A certificate maker.
20. ABC Teach.com
https://www.abcteach.com/directory/teaching_extras/certificates/Lots of certificates - more if you join.
21. Certificate Street.com
https://www.certificatestreet.com/index.htmlTemplates for certificates on sports, school, special occasions...
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