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1. Glogster.Edu.com
https://edu.glogster.com/The site to go to open your Glogster account and start making glogs. You can request 100 accounts for your students.
2. Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GlogsterWhat Wikipedia says about Glogster.
3. Jim Dacho's List of Glog Blogs
https://www.diigo.com/list/glogstereduman/glogster-blogsJim is the education manager at Glogster. This is his Diigo page - It has over 500 blogs and blog posts dedicated to Glogster. The list is growing.
4. Facebook: Glogster: Creativity 2.0
https://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=51090603865Join the 142 Facebbok members (as at Feb 17, 2010) to share ideas and chat about glogging and creativity.
5. Glogster Tutorial by Traci Blazosky
https://docs.google.com/Doc?id=dgqwv5cr_127g7nqc8fmExcellent how-to on setting up and using Glogster.Edu.
6. Glogster Tech Tip Video
https://www.schooltube.com/video/c92d54a70fbe49328a52/Glogster-Tech-TipExcellent 15-minute video tutorial on Glogster.
7. Glogster Wiki By Traci Blazosky
https://ktitraci.wikispaces.com/GlogsterWiki dedicated to Glogster - Has how-tos, resources and sample glogs. Includes useful video on how to use CamStudio to put Vokis, Voicethreads and Animoto on your glogs.
8. Greetings From The World wiki
https://greetingsfromtheworld.wikispaces.com/A delightful wiki showing different glogs from all around the world. Students worldwide made glogs showcasing their countries. Great use of Web 2.0 and winner of the Edublog Awards 2009 Best Educational Wiki. From Arjana Blazic and students of the world.
9. Glogs - Virtual Online Posters
https://azk12.org/blog/archives/40-Glogs-Virtual-Online-Posters.htmlExcellent article from Tony Vincent of the Arizona K-12 Center describing glogs and their uses in the classroom.
10. Glogster Tutorial ADMS 647
https://krissy2009.glogster.com/Glogster-Tutorial-ADMS-647/A glog from a high school explaining Glogster with a video of class opinions.
11. Gadgets-Gizmos Wiki
https://gadgets-gizmos.wikispaces.com/file/view/Glogster.pdfA useful PDF on how to set up and use Glogster.
12. Toolkit4Blogwalker Wiki
https://toolkit4blogwalker.wikispaces.com/GlogsterA wiki dedicated to Glogster. Has YouTube videos, tips and links to resources.
13. Education World.com
https://www.education-world.com/a_tech/columnists/dyck/dyck037.shtmlAn article/blog post about literacy and Glogster.
14. Integrating Glogster Into Lessons
https://www.boxoftricks.net/?p=558A blog post describing how one teacher integrated Glogster into her lessons.
15. Glogster FAQs
https://www.glogster.com/faq/Some answers to questions you might have about Glogster.
16. Rellco Wiki
https://rellco.wikispaces.com/file/view/Student-how-to-use-Glogster.pdfHow-to PDF.
17. Glogster - My Glog
https://seanbanville.com/2010/01/30/glogster-my-glog/Sean Banville describes how he uses Glogster to introduce himself to new classes of students at the beginning of a new semester.
18. Video Tutorial by Traci Blazosky
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=80NISdsoouEA "Detailed Tutorial on Glogster EDU" by Traci Blazosky.
19. Glogster in 90 Seconds
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MvC47fUANLkYouTube video providing a quick guide to Glogster.
20. Glogster Slideshow Presentation
https://www.slideshare.net/kadair26/glogster-100741623 slides on Glogster.Edu by Kim Adair and Traci Blazosky.
21. Box of Tricks
https://www.boxoftricks.net/?p=518An online guide to using Glogster.
22. Glogster Presentation
https://www.slideshare.net/digitalmaverick/glogster-presentation-presentation?type=presentation11-slide presentation on Slideshare.
23. Glog On - Slideshare Presentation
https://www.slideshare.net/jmcgee/glog-on-presentation46-slide presentation from Jan McGee.
24. Adding Glogster to Blogs and Wikis
https://www.boxoftricks.net/?p=936A blog post from BoxofTricks.net about integrating Glogster into blogs and wikis, with a discussion of associated problems.
25. Classroom 2.0
https://www.classroom20.com/forum/topics/glogster-2?commentId=649749%3AComment%3A435238&xg_source=activityDiscussion on Glogster.
26. Glogster Tutorial
https://appserv.mnstate.edu/instrtech/its/main.php?id=1&menu=1&show=web20&page=tut4Online Glogster tutorial outlining the different features of the glog menu magnet.
27. Introducing Glogster
https://www.teslmalaysia.com/introducing-glogster-learning-via-interactive-posterAn introduction to Glogster from TESL Malaysia.
28. Using Glogster
https://www.brighthub.com/education/k-12/articles/57951.aspxArticle about how to use Glogster in the classroom.
29. Using Glogster to Teach Parents About Web 2.0
https://www.classroom20.com/forum/topics/using-glogster-to-teachA discussion initiated by Kami Mulzet on introducing parents to Web 2.0 and its educational benefits.
30. Glogster is ALMOST awesome
https://techsavvyteacher.com/blog/?p=249A blog post explaining the virtues of Glogster, and a drawback. From the TechSavvyTeacher blog.
31. Web2teachingtools.com
https://www.web2teachingtools.com/glogster.htmlNice introduction to Glogster with tips and resources.
32. SchoolTube video
https://www.schooltube.com/user/GlogsterA video from Fairview High School in the USA about how students and teachers are using Glogster.
33. Wiki on Glogster
https://jdorman.wikispaces.com/GlogsterA wiki on glogging.
34. Presenting Glogster Using Adobe Premier Elements
https://kathyschrock.net/blog/2009/12/presenting-glogster-using-adobe.htmlAdvice from Kathy Schrock on her blog on presenting using Glogster.
35. Lesson Upgrades
https://lessonupgrades.com/daniel-pink/design/glogster-%E2%80%93-poster-yourself/A blog from Curtis Cook about why you should be using Glogster.
36. Glogster for educators (and for student posters)
https://www.schoollibraryjournal.com/blog/1340000334/post/1130037513.htmlA blog post from Dr Joyce Valenza about using glogs in education.
37. Creating Historical Timelines with Glogster
https://www.classroom20.com/profiles/blogs/creating-historical-timelinesA blog post from Neil Stephenson about using Glogster to record historical events.
38. Glogster in the Classroom
https://2pointohteaching.blogspot.com/2009/01/glogster-in-classroom-and-light-sabres.htmlA blog post by Jared Nichol about his use of Glogster in the classroom.
39. The Reading Zone
https://thereadingzone.wordpress.com/2010/01/05/using-glogster-in-the-classroom/A blog post from The Reading Zone about the use of Glogster in the classroom.
40. Ed Tech in Teacher Ed
https://umdedtech.blogspot.com/2008/11/glogster.htmlA blog post about the use of Glogster in EdTech.
41. MyBlogLog
https://www.mybloglog.com/buzz/topics/glogsterA collection of links relating to Glogster.
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