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1. BBC - Digital Stories
https://www.bbc.co.uk/wales/audiovideo/sites/about/index.shtmlA guide to digital storytelling from the BBC. Tips, equipment, how-tos, audio and voice recording and how to share digital stories.
2. My Storymaker
https://www.carnegielibrary.org/kids/storymaker/Wonderfully fun and easy to use interactive story maker. Students choose their own sets, characters and titles. They can even get language help. Keep the magic number to print out the story.
3. RIF Reading Planet
https://www.rif.org/readingplanet/gamestation/storymaker/default.aspxCute, interactive story maker for all ages. Students choose the characters and set and type their story.
4. Digital Storytelling - Langwitches Blog
https://langwitches.org/blog/2008/04/19/digital-storytelling-part-i/An excellent account and description of digital storytelling with examples of real-life projects.
5. Web 2.0 Storytelling
https://web2storytelling.wikispaces.com/Wiki on "the telling of stories using Web 2.0 tools, technologies, and strategies."
6. University of Houston Center Of English
https://digitalstorytelling.coe.uh.edu/A description of the educational uses of digital storytelling from the University of Houston. It has examples, software, rubrics, ideas on getting started and ideas for blogs, wikis and other web 2.0 platforms.
7. Digitales
https://www.digitales.us/"DigiTales ' website provides ideas and resources & to discover the power and magic of merging the art of storytelling with the enchantment of using digital tools."
8. Digital Storyteller
https://www.digitalstoryteller.org/A digital story maker that combines text and images with narration in the student's own voice to form a short digital movie.
9. StoryBox
https://www.story-box.co.uk/A repository for people to submit their digital stories online. Need to register.
10. Digital Storytelling - Özge Karaoglu
https://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/blogs/%C3%B6zge-karao%C4%9Flu/digital-storytellingExcellent analysis of digital storytelling. Interesting comments from Nik Peachey.
11. Web 2.0 Storytelling: Emergence of a New Genre
https://www.educause.edu/EDUCAUSE+Review/EDUCAUSEReviewMagazineVolume43/Web20StorytellingEmergenceofaN/163262Comprehensive article and review of digital storytelling and the emergence of Web 2.0 Storytelling.
12. Digistories
https://electronicportfolios.com/digistory/Collection of blogs and experiences showcasing digital storytelling. Info on where to publish digital stories and examples of international digital stories.
13. Portsmouth Emas
https://digitalstorytelling.segfl.org.uk/A showcase of video case studies and pupils' digital stories.
14. Meg's Digital Storytelling Resources
https://techteachers.com/digitalstorytelling.htmA collection of resources to help educators create powerful digital stories.
15. Digital Storytelling Blog Carnival
https://www.needleworkspictures.com/ocr/blog/?p=238/Ideas for using video, podcasting, video conferencing, and film with digital storytelling.
16. Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_storytellingInformation and links on digital storytelling from Wikipedia.
17. 7 Things You Should Know About Digital Storytelling
https://www.educause.edu/ELI/7ThingsYouShouldKnowAboutDigit/156824PDF containing information on emerging learning practices and technologies for digital storytelling. "A no-jargon, quick overview of a topic and share them with time-pressed colleagues."
18. Center for Digital Storytelling
https://www.storycenter.org/index1.htmlAn international non-profit training, project development, and research organization dedicated to assisting people in using digital media to tell meaningful stories from their lives.
19. Nik's Learning Technology Blog
https://nikpeachey.blogspot.com/2008/02/creating-multimedia-stories.htmlTips and ideas from Nik Peachey on how to create multimedia stories.
20. Tech Head
https://tech-head.com/dstory.htmExamples of digital stories and a list of key digital storytelling websites.
21. Teaching Teachers
https://teachingteachers.com/Blog post describing a story-based curriculum and how to tell stories digitally.
22. Digital Storytelling - Images 4 Education
https://www.slideshare.net/langwitches/digital-storytelling-images4educationSlideshare show from Silvia Rosenthal Tolisano of Langwitches giving an introduction to digital storytelling.
23. Digital Stories in the ESL Classroom
https://esoltechnology.com/?p=132Article giving advice and how tos on digital storytelling, including use of movies.
24. CogDogRoo
https://cogdogroo.wikispaces.com/50+Ways14 links to presentations on digital storytelling.
25. Teacher In Development (Blog)
https://teacherindevelopment.blogsome.com/2006/01/17/digital-story-telling-in-the-esl-classroom/A blog post about digital storytelling in the ESL classroom.
26. 50+ Ways to Tell a Story
https://cogdogroo.wikispaces.com/Dominoe+50+WaysA wiki giving 64 different links to software useful for digital storytelling.
27. Prestwick Cafe
https://prestwickhouse.blogspot.com/2010/01/tell-me-great-story.htmlA blog that discusses the importance of storytelling.
28. Digital Storytelling Network
https://www.groups.edna.edu.au/course/view.php?id=107A network of storytelling practitioners who seek to expand the digital storytelling (DST) methodology as an e-learning strategy.
29. Sean Banville's Blog
https://seanbanville.com/tag/digital-storytelling/An example of how a teacher used OurStory.com to use digital storytelling as a conversation with his students.
30. Dave Jakes Online
https://www.jakesonline.org/dstory_ice.pdfAn article providing an introduction to digital storytelling.
31. Telling Tales with Technology
https://www.techlearning.com/article/3536An excellent article outlining different uses for digital storytelling.
32. Teach Story
https://www.techszewski.blogs.com/An excellent blog from Tom Banaszewski that's full of ideas, information and examples of digital storytelling.
33. Digital Storytelling.
https://blog.discoveryeducation.com/digital_storytellingA blog from the Discovery Educator Network.
34. Digital Storytelling Cookbook
https://www.storycenter.org/cookbook.pdf43-page pdf on everything digital storytelling from the Center for Digital Storytelling.
35. Digital Stories with Gail Casey
https://digitalstories.globalteacher.org.au/my-story/Excellent blog describing Gail Casey's adventures with digital stories.
36. Moving at the Speed of Creativity
https://www.speedofcreativity.org/2006/01/16/podcast30-the-case-for-digital-storytelling/A podcast and blog post outlining the case for digital storytelling.
37. KidPad - Kids Design the Future
https://www.cs.umd.edu/hcil/kiddesign/kidpad.shtmlA collaborative story authoring tool for children. It provides basic drawing functionality on a zooming canvas. Possible to let several children simultaneously create a story.
38. E-Scrapbooking
https://escrapbooking.com/Telling digital stories through e-scrapbooking.
39. Classroom 2.0
https://www.classroom20.com/group/digitalstorytellingA ning with over 100 members (as at 15 Feb, 2010) for educators interested in the theory and use of digital stills and video in the classroom.
40. Slice of Life: When Stories Go Digital
https://dogtrax.edublogs.org/2009/03/17/slice-of-life-when-stories-go-digital/Nice introduction to how to approach digital storytelling.
41. Is Digital Storytelling really storytelling
https://tucsoncitizen.com/stories/2009/12/is-digital-storytelling-really-storytelling/An article from Tucson Citizen.com
42. StoryRobe.com
https://www.storyrobe.com/storyrobe/Home.htmlAdigital storytelling application for the iPhone and iPod Touch that lets you tell create digital stories using images and video from your camera or photo library. You can use the built in microphone to create audio recordings with photos and videos.
43. We Tell Stories
https://www.wetellstories.co.uk/stories/week3/Guided storytelling - Students fill in the characters' names and other blanks to build a story.
44. Myths and Legends
https://myths.e2bn.org/create/tool527-story-creator-2.htmlMake a story, add sound, arrange objects easily. Unlimited frames. Need to register.
45. Digital Storytelling: A Tutorial in 10 Easy Steps
https://www.techsoup.org/learningcenter/techplan/page5897.cfmTips on creating videos for digital storytelling.
46. NPR - Six-Word Memoir
https://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=123289019&sc=fb&cc=fpAn article listening explaining how to tell your life story "in exactly six words".
47. Storytelling Creed
https://www.slideshare.net/jgerst1111/digital-storytelling-1303268A 37-slide presentation on digital storytelling.
48. OurStory.com
https://www.ourstory.com/Using this site you can create a timeline to record the storeis in and of your life. Easy to upload photos and videos and share with friends. Very intuitive and a great tool in the classroom.
49. Story Circles
https://www.lagcc.cuny.edu/ctl/dstory/default.htmVery useful site with advice, teaching resources and lesson ideas for using digital stories in the classroom. Also has a lot of wonderful examples of digital stories. Also has a list of print and online resources.
50. SITE Digital Storytelling
https://sitedigitalstory.blogspot.com/Conversations related to the digital storytelling strand at the SITE conference in 2006.
51. NSW Country Areas Program
https://www.cap.nsw.edu.au/digital_storytelling/digital_storytelling.htmInformation about digital storytelling.
52. Storyboarding
https://www.ltscotland.org.uk/informationliteracy/12to14/tell/Storyboarding/resources/genericcontent_tcm4268053.aspStep-by-step guide on how to use a storyboard to create a video digital story.
53. Storyboards with digital science picture books
https://dogtrax.edublogs.org/2009/05/01/storyboards-with-digital-science-picture-books/A classroom project using storyboards.
54. Advanced Thinking in Digital Storytelling
https://www.thecreativeeducator.com/v06/stories/Advanced_Thinking"Our students must become savvy writers and designers, creating digital stories that take advantage of, rather than suffer from, the visually stunning effects today's tools provide."
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