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1. Sean Banville's Blog
https://seanbanville.com/Teaching, classroom and technology stuff for teachers from the maker of the sites Breaking News English, ESL Discussions, Famous People Lessons, ESL Holiday Lessons and Listen A Minute.com.
2. Sue Lyon-Jones' Blog
https://the-pln-staff-lounge.blogspot.com/Stuff on language and teaching from the brains behind ESOL Courses.com.
3. Teacher Reboot Camp by Shelly Terrell
https://teacherbootcamp.edublogs.org/Strategies, posts, links, ideas for engaging students through effective instructional methods and technology.
4. Kalinago English
https://kalinago.blogspot.com/Karenne Sylvester's take on teaching, technology, social media, teachers. Quite often you'll find a powerful post standing up for teachers.
5. Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day
https://larryferlazzo.edublogs.org/Larry updates his thousands of links and 'best of...' lists daily. He also writes important posts on education. For teaching ELL, ESL and EFL.
6. TEFL-Tastic with Alex Case
https://www.tefl.net/alexcase/Teaching news, views and reviews from the Reviews Editor of TEFL.net. Alex's posts
7. Teacher Training Videos
https://www.teachertrainingvideos.com/By Russell Stannard. Excellent compilation of training videos on tools you can use in the classroom.
8. Jason Renshaw's Blog
https://jasonrenshaw.typepad.com/jason_renshaws_web_log/From the maker of EnglishRaven.com. Jason writes about the ESL resources and activities. He also gives us his thoughts on the world of ESL and teaching.
9. EFL Classroom 2.0 - Teacher Talk
https://ddeubel.edublogs.org/David Deubelbeiss' blog - "When 1 Teaches, 2 Learn". Stuff on language, linguistics, Web 2.0. as well as teaching recipes. From the creator of the EFL Classroom 2.0 ning.
10. Ozge Karaoglu's Blog
https://ozgekaraoglu.edublogs.orgA gazillion links and ideas about teaching, learning, reflecting and being a 21st century learner & teacher.
11. Burcu Akyol's Blog
https://www.burcuakyol.comImpressions, reflections, reviews, tips and resources from an [inspiring] English teacher.
12. Marxist TEFL Group
https://marxistelf.wordpress.com/The Marxist TEFL Group is an 'alternative campaigning' blogging group focusing on the language teaching industry. It is not an academic site. Their ideas are rooted in the day to day experiences of ordinary teachers and language learners.
13. Critical Mass ELT - Sara Hannam's Blog
https://sjhannam.edublogs.org/Very thoughtful reflections on the world of English language teaching.
14. Nik Peachey's Learning Technology Blog
https://nikpeachey.blogspot.com/Tips, resources and teaching materials to help EFL and ESL teachers use ICT and new technology.
15. TeflTecher - From Ian Jones
https://tefltecher.wordpress.com/"Tasks, Videos and Opinions for Tefl Teachers" - Wonderful, original and creative classroom ideas and materials from Ian James. Always a great read for those wishing to introduce tech into their EFL lessons.
16. ESOL IT - A Place to blog about IT
https://esolit.wordpress.com/"This is a blog for ESOL IT classes. Here you will find videos about doing different things with ICT. I hope you find it useful!" Interesting ideas on using technology in the classroom from Mike Harrison.
17. ELT World Online
https://blog.nus.edu.sg/eltwo/A refereed blog from the Centre for English Language Communication, National University of Singapore. Posts on issues concerning methodology, techniques, curriculum and syllabus design, testing and assessment, materials development, and other areas of interest in ESL/EFL.
18. Langwitches
https://www.langwitches.org/blog/Silvia Tolisano's blog on technology in the classroom, digital storytelling, multicultural and global education.
19. Compelling Conversations
https://compellingconversations.com/blog/"Questions and quotations on timeless topics for ESL learners and teachers."
20. The English Blog
https://jeffreyhill.typepad.com/english/Internet resources, reviews, news, tips and trivia for learners and teachers of English.
21. That'SLife - Gavin Dudeney's Blog
https://slife.dudeney.com/Posts on social media, Second Life, language, teaching and other stuff. Gavin says: "It's 'social media', not 'social MEdia'".
22. Nik's Quick Shout
https://quickshout.blogspot.com/Links and opinion on learning, technology, Web 2.0 and EFL, ESL.
23. Scott Thornbury's Blog
https://scottthornbury.wordpress.com/An A-Z of ELT.
24. Turkish TEFL
https://turklishtefl.com/"Down into the rabbit hole of ELT in Turkey." The ins and outs of teaching in Turkey from Nick Jaworski. The blog also has many cool classroom ideas.
25. Jeremy Harmer's Blog
https://jeremyharmer.wordpress.comHow to teach teachers and other 'important' matters.
26. Vicki Hollett's Blog
https://www.vickihollett.com/Posts on 'Learning to speak 'merican' - differences between US / UK English.
27. Educational Technology in ELT
https://educationaltechnologyinelt.blogspot.com/Resources, links and ideas for using technology and social media in ELT.
28. Miss Shonah
https://missshonah.edublogs.org/Shonah Kennedy's blog on learning English online - grammar, video clips, teaching stuff...
29. TEFL Matters - Marisa Constantinides' Blog
https://marisaconstantinides.edublogs.org/Some thoughts on language teaching, language teacher education & new technologies.
30. Six Things
https://sixthings.net/Lindsay Clandfield's posts on six things about something else about English Language Teaching.
31. Ken Wilson's Blog
https://kenwilsonelt.wordpress.com/Thoughts, photos, videos, anecdotes, and free resources on life, the world and ELT.
32. TEFL Clips.com by Jamie Keddie
https://www.teflclips.comUsing YouTube videos (Jamie's own) in the classroom.
33. adVancEducation by Vance Stevens
https://advanceducation.blogspot.com/"adVances and adVancED techniques in EDucation facilitated through principled use of Web 2.010."
34. Teaching Village
https://www.teachingvillage.org/Barbara Sakamoto's blog on teaching Young Learners - thoughts, ideas, links and more.
35. The Island Weekly by Anne Hodgson
https://annehodgson.de/Thoughts, reflections and videos on grammar, songs and English.
36. Teaching Life by Chris Cattaneo
https://teachinglife.edublogs.org/Sharing what really goes on in our lives and in our own classrooms - on and offline.
37. ESL Imaginarium
https://eslimaginarium.wordpress.com/Very stylish, and as the name suggests, imaginative blog. Excellent use of videos and clever intoduction of modern cultural icons combined with good classroom ideas.
38. Beyond School
https://beyond-school.org/Ideas, resources and reflections on English, learning and technology.
39. ESL Musings and Other Tidbits
https://tamaslorincz.edublogs.org/A collection of thoughts and tasks for teachers of English.
40. Rliberni's Blog - Radical Language
https://rliberni.wordpress.com/From Berni Wall: Useful language for students - "I want to use my years of experience as both teacher and language learner to help students put that extra gloss on their language and make an impression."
41. A Journey in TEFL
https://evasimkesyan.edublogs.org/"My adventure in teaching" by Eva Simkesyan.
42. A Teacher in Taoyuan
https://hallhouston.blogspot.com/"The occasional bloggings of a university EFL instructor in Taiwan."
43. L_missbossy's ELT Playground
https://anita-kwiatkowska.blogspot.com/From Anita Kwiatkowska. Thoughts, reflections and ideas for ELT.
44. The freelance teacher in France
https://freelanceteacherinfrance.blogspot.com/From Bethany Cagnol: "Ever thought about striking out on your own to become a "travailleur indépendant" or a freelance teacher in France? What are the steps? What are the advantages and disadvantages? Is it really for you? Read on, and we'll explore that together."
45. DCBLOG - David Crystal
https://david-crystal.blogspot.com/David Crystal's blog.
46. Training ELTeachers
https://trainingelteachers.net/"A blog of practical ideas, thoughts and stuff for people who train teachers of ELT."
47. Classrooms on the Danube: An Exploration of the Quality of Classroom Life.
https://markandrews.edublogs.org/Thought-provoking posts on ELT from Mark Andrews.
48. Language Hat
https://www.languagehat.com/Long-established (2002) blog on etymology.
49. Lives of Teachers
https://www.livesofteachers.comDarren Elliott's blog: "How do teachers develop themselves? How do they stay motivated? What, inside and outside the classroom, affects the teacher's work? By talking to teachers and language professionals around the world, I hope to address these questions and many more of pertinence to the language teacher."
50. Janet's Abruzzo EduBlog
https://civitaquana.blogspot.com/Janet Bianchini's thoughts on ELT issues, lesson ideas, and the 'spectacularly beautiful region of Abruzzo' in Italy.
51. Vicky Loras's Blog
https://vickyloras.wordpress.com/This is a blog for teaching.
52. Traveloteacher
https://traveloteacher.blogspot.com/A blog from Arjana Blazic about traveling, international student and teacher exchanges, field trips and educational projects.
53. From Teacher to Manager
https://adhockley.wordpress.com/From Andy Hockley: "A place to share ideas, thoughts, problems and questions regarding leadership and management in language teaching organisations."
54. Emma Herrod
https://emmaherrod.com/Thoughts from tecaher Emma Herrod about ELT and the world.
55. Dominic Cole's IELTS Blog
https://www.dcielts.comAdvice, information and resources for IELTS preparation.
56. The Spelling Blog
https://thespellingblog.blogspot.comThe Spelling Blog addresses all kinds of issues related to spelling in English. So-called 'rules' are examined, different ways of teaching spelling analysed, links are given to other sites and resources. Useful for teachers and learners.
57. Pain in the English
https://painintheenglish.com/"Forum for the gray areas of the English language... because English is fundamentally indeterminate."
58. EL Civics for ESL Students
https://www.elcivics.com/esl_teachers_blog.htmlLessons for ESL, and ideas and issues.
59. My English Club - By Tara Benwell
https://my.englishclub.com/profile/EnglishTeacherGroup writing challenges.
60. English Cafe.com
https://www.englishcafe.com/Kenneth/blogLots of activities based on all English skills, grammar and functions.
61. Digital Play
https://digitalplay.info/blog/Digital Play is full of activities and ideas for EFL/ESL teachers interested in using computer games and digital toys with their learners.
62. blog-efl by Graham Stanley
https://blog-efl.blogspot.com/Reflections on teaching and learning languages.
63. The TELF Tradesman - By Sandy McManus
https://tefltradesman.blogspot.com/Dishing the dirt on Britain's tacky TEFL trade...
64. Fremdsprachen und Neue Medien
https://fremdsprachenundneuemedien.blogspot.comInfoBlog for Teachers of English, French and Spanish - focusing on EdTech.
65. Widgets HQ
https://www.widgets-hq.com/A blog about task-based language teaching.
66. Mike Harrison's Blog
https://mikeharrison.edublogs.org/A place for Mike to share experiences, teaching ideas and lesson plans with fellow teachers.
67. Everything ESL
https://everythingesl-everythingesl.blogspot.com/Judie Haynes writes about the challenges of teaching ELLs in the general education, ESL and bilingual classrooms.
68. A journée in Language
https://blog.edulang.com/Exploring ELT trends, intricacies of foreign languages and etymology all the while enjoying the journey.
69. My English Printable Worksheets
https://vanda51.blogspot.com/Hundreds of printable handouts for class.
70. Bits and Pieces Place
https://2sparkley.edublogs.org/A blog with bits and pieces for ESL teachers and learners.
71. ELL Classroom
https://ellclassroom.wordpress.com/Teaching and learning.
72. My Integrating Technology Journey
https://www.jenverschoor.wordpress.comIntegrating teachers and technology in the classroom.
73. Edublogs
https://edublogs.org/Teacher and student blogs. Set one up here.
74. Shaun Wilden's Blog
https://shaunwilden.com/"A random assortment of EFL related musings..." from Shaun Wilden. Also has Shaun's speaking schedule and presentation handouts and powerpoints.
75. Rogers is in Qatar / John Rogers' Blog
https://robertjohnsonrogers.edublogs.org/Blog about teaching and living in Qatar and the Czech Republic. Contains lists of no-prep vocabulary practice activities, activities related to Cambridge ESOL exams, dictations, etc.
76. Melania Paduraru's Blog
https://mellaniep.wordpress.com/All about teaching English in Romania.
77. Detefling
https://vassilakis.edublogs.org/Posts about the state of ELT today.
78. English Teacher X
https://englishteacherx.blogspot.com/An irreverent, often naughty take on TEFL today.
79. Sheetal Makhan
https://www.sheetalmakhan.comI'm a South African EFL teacher in Korea. I've had a steamy love affair with words for the past decade which is why I have this blog - to talk! & I'm addicted to music, traveling, gadgets and popcorn.
80. Teach Paperless
https://teachpaperless.blogspot.com"Seeking solutions to the mysteries of 21st century teaching and learning." A blog that's good for the environment.
81. Carol's Thoughts on Life, ICT and Whatever Comes
https://carol-carolrb.blogspot.com/"Here you are likely to find short and possibly infrequent posts. They will most likely be linked to the use of ICT within or without of the curriculum. I hope what you find is useful in some way."
82. Learning the Language
https://blogs.edweek.org/edweek/learning-the-languageAn "Education Week" blog with posts on many areas of relevant to ELL teachers.
83. Views from the whiteboard
https://viewsfromthewhiteboard.edublogs.org/From Teresa Bestwick: "Interesting resources available online, including other blogs, classroom activities and some fun pages for when you need a break from the hectic world of TEFL."
84. Classroom as Microcosm
https://siobhancurious.wordpress.com/From Siobhan Curious who says "Teachers are People Too".
85. Grammar Girl: Quick and Dirty Tips
https://grammar.quickanddirtytips.comLots of ideas for teaching grammar.
86. Real English is Listening
https://the-original-real-english.blogspot.com"An Open Ear in the EFL / ESL Community with news & tips for real English users and everybody else."
87. My Languages
https://isabellejones.blogspot.comFrom Isabelle Jones: "Resources, Research, News and Views about Language-teaching in the UK."
88. The TEFL Times: ELT World
https://www.eltworld.net/times"The ELT Times aims to provide the best in contemporary TEFL journalism from those in the front line of the profession."
89. Language Log
https://languagelog.ldc.upenn.edu/nll/Interesting posts by Mark Lieberman and Geoffrey Pullum with other contributors.
90. Public School Insights
https://www.publicschoolinsights.org/What is working in public schools in the USA.
91. Veteran Kindergarten Teacher
https://veterankindergartenteacher.blogspot.comThe chronicles of a veteran kindergarten teacher.
92. Teaching in Second Life
https://slexperiments.edublogs.orgFrom Nergiz Kern: Reflections of a language teacher in Second Life: "This blog is for my personal reflections on teaching in Second Life. I hope that reflecting on what I learn about teaching in Second Life and new tools for teaching languages and writing about this will help me to improve my teaching and help me in deciding which tools work and are worthy of keeping in the (virtual) classroom."
93. Mr. Stout's Blog - For Students and Teachers
https://mrstoutsblog.blogspot.com/"This blog serves several purposes: Communicating with my students outside of the classroom, publishing my students' work, and it serves as a resource for both students and teachers."
94. The Daily English Show
https://www.thedailyenglishshow.comThe Daily English Show is an online English language show made by studio tdes in Auckland, New Zealand. Good videos.
95. English for the Workplace
https://englishfortheworkplace.blogspot.com"Sharing thoughts with teachers and trainers of business English and ESP."
96. Feeling Learning and Reading
https://feellearnread.blogspot.com/"Here you will find my thoughts and responses to whatever it is I'm learning or reading at the moment. As I teach English as a Foreign Language, occasionally you'll be able to read some of my thoughts on that as well."
97. Classroom 201X
https://classroom201x.wordpress.com/"This is a just a blog Inspired by work, to allow me to reflect on teaching tips, techniques and tools."
98. The English You Need Blog
https://theenglishyouneedblog.blogspot.com/From Patricia Perez Miguel: "I would like to provide my students with a grammar reference and a variety of links to practise what they want. They will also find videos, songs, learning tips and different texts to expand their vocabulary."
99. I'd Like to Think That I Help People to Learn English
https://www.richardteachesenglish.blogspot.com/ELT stuff and bits.
100. English bits and things
https://englishbitsandthings.blogspot.com/"Interesting things to learn English, both for teachers and students."
101. TEFL Brazil
https://tefl-brazil.blogspot.com/From Eduardo Rossato. For teachers and students teaching and interested in Brazil.
102. Teaching English to Primary children
https://teachingenglishtoprimarychildren.blogspot.com/"A formative teaching e-Portfolio to share with you."
103. Angela Hernandez - CALL and ICT Language Learning
https://angeleshernandez.wordpress.com/Lots of info on tech and language learning, grammar, etc.
104. For My Students Only
https://formystudentsonly.blogspot.com/Teacher blog with ideas for students.
105. ELT Ideas
https://eltideas.wordpress.comFrom Marian Steiner: "Love, life & language learning - an English teacher's journey."
106. Early EFL
https://earlyefl.blogspot.com/"Thoughts, Ideas and Waffle about ELT."
107. Do you speak Polish?
https://doyouspeakpolish.blogspot.com/"A blog of life in Poland from the perspective of an Englishman."
108. Tefl Spin
https://www.teflspin.com/"A world of teaching and learning languages."
109. ELT Experiences
https://eltexperiences.blogspot.com/From Martin Sketchley: "Experiences of an English Language Teacher"
110. Think and Dream in English
https://dreaminenglish.blogspot.com/Teaching, learning, reading, writing, culture, literature, classroom management, new technologies, health... anything related to education. Think and Dream in English (plus some Spanish and Catalan).
111. Reflections on Teaching
https://mizmercer.edublogs.org/The blog of Ms Mercer
112. Carol Read's ABC of teaching children
https://carolread.wordpress.com/"Ideas, tips and resources for primary language teachers."
113. Japan Action Research in EFL
https://jarinefl.wordpress.com/From Steven Herder.
114. Strictly 4 My Teachers
https://strictly4myteacherz.wordpress.com/Great posts on grammar.
115. The Grammarphobia Blog
https://www.grammarphobia.com/blog/From Patricia T. O'Conner and Stewart Kellerman.
116. Andrea's TESOL Blog
https://www.eslbasics.com/blog/"At ESL Basics, we believe that real-life context is a student's best friend, not a list of terms to memorize. This is why our vocabulary is surrounded by a conversation."
117. English Attack.com Blog
https://blog.english-attack.com/"A teacher-oriented blog about adapting EFL and ESL approaches to "digital natives," in particular teens and young adults."
118. Stickman Bangkok.com
https://www.stickmanbangkok.com/TEFLInterational.htmObservations on teaching in Thailand by Tim Torkildson.
119. English at Work Boston MA
https://blog.proesl.com/"This web-log is about learning and teaching English... and any topic relevant to communicating in the English language. "
120. ELL Toolbox Blog
https://www.elltoolbox.com/Resources, links, and suggestions for teachers of English Language Learners.
121. Just a Word
https://justawordinthegrandstory.wordpress.com/Candid reflections on life and learning from an ESL teacher's perspective. Lots of stories, lesson plans, tech ideas, and reflections on education and more.
122. Our Special Funny World
https://ourspecialfunnyworld.blogspot.com/Cute blog aimed at children but great for ESL too. Lots of lovely videos..
123. 2 English or not 2 English
https://www.2englishornot2english.blogspot.com/Good for language practice - videos that present and can be used to teach the 4 skills, grammar, vocab....
124. U.S. Citizenship Podcast
https://www.uscitizenpod.com/Lots of videos and information for anyone wanting to migrate to the U.S.A.
125. Senior ESL
https://www.senioresl.com/"The Adventures of the Milpitas Adult School Senior ESL Class & their Friends."
126. Milpitas Chat
https://www.milpitaschat.com/ESL conversation practice with audio and video resources.
127. Milpitas VESL
https://www.milpitasvesl.com/Vocational ESL: Work-related materials and resources for English Language Learners.
128. It's Time For English
https://amlescortsenglish.blogspot.com/Lovely blog with lots of videos for encouraging learners to sing in English.
129. The Edtech Hub - From Sue Lyon-Jones
https://edtech-hub.blogspot.com/"Free Lesson Resources and Tools for Teaching With Technology." Great posts on ed-tech from the creator of esolcourses.com and the-pln-staff-lounge.blogspot.
130. (Almost) Infinite ELT Ideas - From Sandy Millin
https://infiniteeltideas.wordpress.com/"Collaborative idea generation for ELT." Sandy wants us to collaborate on ideas for using the interesting pics postes on the site. A TEFL Site Of The Month winner.
131. Sandy Millin
https://sandymillin.wordpress.com/"Technologically and linguistically adventurous EFL teacher."
132. macappella
https://macappella.wordpress.com/abouttheblog/"Mainly for teachers teaching teenagers...but more than about teaching them, it’s about reaching into their imaginations, their creativity and using that and their own lives and passions as the basis for memorable, motivating lessons. It’s about Unplugged Teaching..."
133. ELT Bakery
https://eltbakery.edublogs.org/"This blog was created to help English teachers with ideas about the ELT world and also to post a summary of the workshops I present." Eduardo Santos - Chief baker :-)
134. A CLIL To Climb
https://acliltoclimb.blogspot.com/Interesting ideas for students using pictures and videos.
135. TheTeacherJames
https://theteacherjames.blogspot.com/"There are many things that have happened to me in the classroom in the last few years, and my hope is that by reflecting on them I will be able to improve myself as a teacher. If you'd like to join that process..." James Taylor
136. Magic in education!
https://magicineducation.wordpress.com/"The magic of technology in the English language classroom." - Great information on very simple, clever and useful edtech ideas that all teachers should read.
137. SGI
https://www.stgeorges.co.uk/blog/Regular blogs for English students on current affairs. Every post has a grammar or vocabulary focus, often with an mp3 of native speaker to help develop listening skills.
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